One of my kids made these at home- you take old broken crayons and put them in a muffin tin or some other mold, then melt them in the oven. It makes cool multicolor crayons!
I like The Cubs, cats, fruit, climbing trees, friends, gifts, adventure, jeans, freedom of choice, the color blue, overcoming challenges, word games, quality time, animals, flowers, taking walks, surprises, kids, words, Aslan, good writing, time alone, going new places, nature, intelligent conversation, dill pickles, happy endings, walking barefoot, laughing, cuddling, dark chocolate, lilacs, stuffed animals, curly hair, green eyes, long goodbyes, acoustic guitars, staying up late, sleeping in, hot showers/baths, composition notebooks, watermelon, singing, sauce, burning cd's, hoodies
1 comment:
I remember doing that back in Kindergarten as well!
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