I use Photoshop to do minor corrections on my pictures (auto contrast, auto levels) and sometimes it makes the picture look way better and sometimes it makes it look weird (i.e. plant 2). Especially color correction, I use that one the least.
I like both the plant pics for different reasons. I like the vibrant colors of the first, as well as the washed colors of the 2nd. But I think plant 2 has a slight edge.
I feel the same way about the flowers as I do about the plants.
I like The Cubs, cats, fruit, climbing trees, friends, gifts, adventure, jeans, freedom of choice, the color blue, overcoming challenges, word games, quality time, animals, flowers, taking walks, surprises, kids, words, Aslan, good writing, time alone, going new places, nature, intelligent conversation, dill pickles, happy endings, walking barefoot, laughing, cuddling, dark chocolate, lilacs, stuffed animals, curly hair, green eyes, long goodbyes, acoustic guitars, staying up late, sleeping in, hot showers/baths, composition notebooks, watermelon, singing, sauce, burning cd's, hoodies
I use Photoshop to do minor corrections on my pictures (auto contrast, auto levels) and sometimes it makes the picture look way better and sometimes it makes it look weird (i.e. plant 2). Especially color correction, I use that one the least.
bride 1
plant 2
flower 2
(I like the shot of the bridge!)
Bridge 1
I like both the plant pics for different reasons. I like the vibrant colors of the first, as well as the washed colors of the 2nd. But I think plant 2 has a slight edge.
I feel the same way about the flowers as I do about the plants.
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