Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well, first things first! Though it's not set in stone yet, I was offered a job today!!!! It is at the school I student taught at, Woodland Heights in Streamwood. I will be teaching full-day Kindergarten! I am really excited! It is a 1 year position for a teacher taking maternity leave.

It's funny how these things work out. Initially, I didn't think I wanted to teach in district U-46. Then I didn't think I could student teach there since I went to high school in the district, but since the district is so big, they made an exception. After I was done with student teaching, there were no positions available at the school. At NIU's job fair, I my very 1st interview was with a guy from U-46, and I pretty much botched it. I was just reaching the point of frustration with the job search. I had done 3 interviews. People told me "it's all about who you know" but my connections did not seem to be panning out. Everyone told me not to worry, and that I would find something, but I was worried. Finally, I got an unexpected call from U-46 for a pre-k special ed position, which was not my first choice. But this led to the mention of all-day kindergarten, which seemed ideal.

I loved pre-K but the kids are so little. Plus they are only there for 2 1/2 hours, which is a short time to cram everything in. I loved first grade, but it is much more scripted and academic (lots of pressure to have them READ!) With full-day Kindergarten, the children are there all day, allowing for more time to have play-based learning as well as more structured activities. The children are young and can do learning centers but also real curriculum-based stuff as well (Everday math).

As soon as Human Resources contacts me, I can go see and set up my classroom! I am excited but also anxious! School starts August 25!!!!


My nephew Joey got baptized on Sunday!!'

I have waited too long to update, I forgot what else I wanted to say...

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