Friday, April 30, 2010

C is for Chalk

We are having an ABC countdown for the last 26 days of school. 
Today, we went outside and did sidewalk chalk.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I hear the sound
of the wood
splitting beneath your force
Your way of dealing
to shut off the feeling
and I too do not want to feel
I want to drown
But all I ever do is love and care
and all it does is disappoint
So here I am
with the smell of memories
and the fear of failing
again and again
Yet this chasm of desire
for more and more and more
wondering why
Angry at my Father, my Maker, the Creator
of all good things
because I don’t understand His timing
and I want to know the plan
Where do I go from here?
I too, want to shut down

You can be anything you want to... except that

At school we have been talking about "community helpers" (doctors, fire fighters, police officers, etc). Last week I had the kids write about what they want to be when they grow up. I remember teaching in preschool kids would say they wanted to be spider man or the hulk when they grow up, which was cute. But my kids are almost first graders now, so it is time to get real. Or something.

I found myself encouraging my kids to pick "real jobs" (i.e. I told them they probably can't play football or be a cheerleader for a living). And yet the jobs they steer toward are almost equally uncommon for normal people to have in the "real world." Most of them want to be doctors, fire fighters, police officers, veterinarians, nurses, barbers/hairdressers. I took photos of them with these funny pictures that they put their face in.

The choices include
-fire fighter
- police officer
- teacher
- farmer
- scientist

 I think there were more but I can't remember. I find the choices a bit odd- how many doctors and fire fighters (etc) do you know? 

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tony the Hawk

This was in my friend's tree.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

A lifetime is not too long

My good friend Karen visited my class today to talk about being a nurse. She got to experience the joys (lots of hugs from cute kids) and frustrations ("she said a bad word!") of Kindergarten! The kids loved it!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Adventure is out there!

Adventure 1: cooking myself brunch! I  made myself a sausage McMuffin. It was pretty excellent

Adventure 2: shopping! I never I thought I was the kind of girl who could be categorized as enjoying shopping for clothes. But alas, I am. I got a new pair of jeans, tank top, and shirt for $25. Pretty sweet

Adventure #3: exploring! It was an absolutely gorgeous day!

gotta have a close-up flower picture!


some cool plants



Dead Trees: because we need a sign to tell us

I got excited to see dandelions!!

this moss is shaped like a hart, how cute


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter and Traditions

I have felt disconnected from Christmas and Easter the past few years. I think it has something to do with not having the excitement of being a kid anymmore.

Every year for Easter we eat leg of lamb. Barbarian yet delicious. My grandmother used to make it and every since she passed, my Dad has made it. This year, I heard we might not be having it, and it crushed me a little. Also I had not colored eggs yet, which is another thing I do every year.

Maybe it is boring, but I am a creature of habit and I like routine and tradition. It is hard to accept change. Tonight, I colored Easter eggs with the kids and it was fun but different as an adult. I want the kids to have the same fond memories of holidays as I do.

For the past 7 years, I have been around them for Easter. I cherish being a part of all the big and small adventures in the life of my family. There are moments when I long to run away and start a new adventure somewhere else and in a way reinvent myself I suppose. But the hardest part of leaving would be missing out on all these little moments.

It makes me feel so torn inside because as usual I want it all and I can't have it all. I applied for some jobs which are not in Elgin today, and that is all I will say about them for now. We will see what happens.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Of Men and Angels

I went to a concert tonight (on Good Friday, I know...) I absolutely love music, especially live, and have been enjoying it quite regularly this year.

Bryce Avery, frontman for the pseudo Christian power pop band The Rocket Summer took the stage.The crowd went wild as he sweated buckets and busted out falsetto and crowd surfed. Everything he said was met with a chorus of  enthusiastic cheers.

Now anyone who knows me knows I am as guilty as anyone of hero worshiping rock stars (I practically had a Dave Tamkin shrine). But it just made me think about how much we idolize and worship stars.

The Rocket Summer has Über loyal fans, and I think it is awesome. But I think it is important to remember that the 20-something singer is trying to point us to Jesus, not be Jesus.

Thursday, April 1, 2010