Saturday, July 17, 2010

Though the world moves like mad , You alone are faithful

July 17, 2009

At the orphanage, we spent the day playing with the kids. I held a baby named Faith who was 2 months old. I played basketball and soccer with some of the older boys. Then I was holding this girl Beth, and she fell asleep on me for awhile. While she was asleep, a boy named Mina (not sure how you spell it) was crying really hard and limping. So I picked him up and we took him into the office. His foot was bleeding really badly. I held him and another volunteer Lindsey cleaned off his toe and put ointment and a band aid on it. He was screaming the whole time, I felt so helpless but we tried to comfort him and gave him a granola bar. This seemed to help.

The rice and beans they get there are often mixed with small stones, and sticks, so it is customary to sort through it before cooking. This is the most tedious process in the world! I did this for a little while, but do not have the patience for it!

I chatted with Moses, and then David brought his guitar and we sang some worship songs with the kids. I think this was one of my favorite moments of the entire trip and wish I could have done it every day!
I was leaving the next day to stay with Grace, so I gave the kids some bubbles, jump ropes, soccer balls, and stickers. They went nuts. It was hard to say goodbye, and the kids kept saying, “see you tomorrow!” I tried to explain, and then they looked all sad and confused.

We had a yummy dinner, with fresh fruit!

“I have to leave Kenya a week from yesterday. :( I will be home a week from today. :) And that is exactly how I feel…America = stress/anxiety” 

 Kyle Degwa (the 2 year old son of our host family) eating dirt

Brian and Ann Wangeshi

I love this picture!

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