I walked with some other volunteers to a school called Olympic, which is in Kibera estates (the “nice” part of Kibera, one of the largest slums in the world). They put me in nursery class with another teacher named Rachel. The kids were really cute. During break, I played with some of the kids, ate some food, and took a tour of the school. I read the book David Goes to School to nursery class. Then I had lunch with them. A boy hurt his finger playing soccer, so I cleaned it and gave him a band-aid. Many of the building at the school were donated by volunteers (they even had a library and a computer lab). One of the ladies donated most of the buildings came to visit. She said her son came to Kenya in 1996 and the school had 1 classroom for 96 students, with nothing but a chalkboard and 1 piece of chalk! She is a teacher at a Christian school, so after her son told her about it she raised money to get more buildings. She then came to Kenya for the first time in 2007. I told her how I was overwhelmed by all the needs in Kenya and she said you just have to start making a change. We walked home, and Taylor took us through part of Kibera. We went home, ate some pineapple we had bought (yum!), had dinner, watched The Office, played Uno, played with Roy.
a tiny part of Kibera-
it is estimated that 2 million people live in Kibera
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