Thursday, April 29, 2010

You can be anything you want to... except that

At school we have been talking about "community helpers" (doctors, fire fighters, police officers, etc). Last week I had the kids write about what they want to be when they grow up. I remember teaching in preschool kids would say they wanted to be spider man or the hulk when they grow up, which was cute. But my kids are almost first graders now, so it is time to get real. Or something.

I found myself encouraging my kids to pick "real jobs" (i.e. I told them they probably can't play football or be a cheerleader for a living). And yet the jobs they steer toward are almost equally uncommon for normal people to have in the "real world." Most of them want to be doctors, fire fighters, police officers, veterinarians, nurses, barbers/hairdressers. I took photos of them with these funny pictures that they put their face in.

The choices include
-fire fighter
- police officer
- teacher
- farmer
- scientist

 I think there were more but I can't remember. I find the choices a bit odd- how many doctors and fire fighters (etc) do you know? 

What did you want to be when you grew up?


Firefly said...

Surprisingly enough, I think I know at LEAST one person from each of those professions on your list. Thats probably crazy rare though...
Oh, and I always wanted to be a mom. Yes, it is a profession. :-)

Little Jo Sleep said...

I'm not sure I know a professional artsy-painter, but I've got everyone else.

All I ever wanted to be was a mom. I have a bunch of old school papers that list "wife and mommy" as my when-I-grow up wish. I think maybe once or twice I listed nurse (hey, it sounded fun), but I really didn't have much diversity.

Raquel930 said...

The picture of a painter was more of a house painter than art painter, if that makes sense...

Being a Mom is the most important (and underpaid) job in the world!!!